domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Who is the best in your field?

In psychology I believe that Carl R. Rogers is the best. Rogers went from being a religious person to studying clinical psychology at Columbia University where he received his PhD in 1931. In the 20th century, he was an innovator in his field since he created a new way of seeing psychology and did big contributions in the area of the humanistic psychology that are still relevant today. I believe that he is one of the best because he created new theories that woke up the interest of many psychologists and amateurs in the topic generating a revolution in the humanistic area until today. From his life experience he learned many things that led him to develop studies on the process in which a person gets to know himself and to recognize the auto regulation power of the body. His texts are interesting and I'd definitively recommend them, especially to people interested on the topics of personal development and the world that exists inside of every person.

2 comentarios:

  1. Is incredible as we can know the interests of our companions by means of the blog...

  2. Excellent, Isabel Margarita.

    I would only say that you say "interested in" not "on".

    You get 2 points.

